Indices of The Largest Economies

The main stock indices are managed by an exchange of the developed countries. Market investors always have close attention over these indices. It is a portfolio of investment holding that represents a part of the financial market status. It is useful for easy access to data without trouble.


Artificial Intelligence Indicesmain role is to visualize data and report tracks based on artificial intelligence. It is an interdisciplinary approach by designing and analyzing the impact of artificial intelligence indices. The main purpose of the reports published on artificial intelligence is to provide ground information to an analyst, industry leaders, investors. Policymakers. It reports on research, development, economy, autonomous systems.


  1. Singapore
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Germany
  4. United States of America


Robotics is one of the most sorts after investment in the 21st century. Large scale media coverage and scopes towards this make this widespread interest and impact in daily lives. It enables the investors to access the high potential of growth of a company which is involved in designing, creation, programming automated device. This may deliver access to a dozen of the company at a time. According to market research and analysis, global revenues for robotics automation is raised.


The stocks are usually characterized based on their dividend yield. Each stock market has its dividend index, a firm which pays regular cash or shares to the investors may be a major driver for the portfolio growth. The stocks are chosen based on their dividend per share growth rate, average value, and weighted according to the dividend yield. They are chosen according to the dividend payments by the mutual fund or Exchange Trade Fund (ETF). INDICES are is most sort in this century. Advancement in technology,  economy, and social status leads to greater sustainability.

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